Saturday, April 7, 2007


I will take nickname too. I hear Suisses apply to us "little homeys" remember? (I do not know what "homey" is. But now you are writer, maybe you know what is homey.)

My псевдоним is not nickname, it is PEN-name, for me to be writer!

Homey, maybe is like "home"? We make house into дом. We protect our домашний and человеческая семья who lives here with us. And we assure the Calcium. We are guardians. Homeys - like guardians.

If we are guards then I must have sword!

Have pen will write

Greta, You always writing now. Always the pen and the papers. And secret writings.
- Vladimir

Oh Vladimir, I am given псевдоним by important International Visitors from Suisse, I write our memoirs and we make history!
- "Gretchen" (aka, Greta)

Greta, I think you become swell-hooded with your new псевдоним. To call yourself Gretchen does not mean you do write history.
- Vladimir

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