Tis the gnight before Orthodox Christmas and all 'round the yard...
Gnot a creature is stirring, except two plethora obedient loyal trustworthy honorable gnomes who work very hard...
Truly we deserving of many gifts and presents!
Gifts and presents?
Yes, and chocolates...!OH, hardly we sleep, we so excitable!
Olden times, we Royal Romanov Gnomes.
Alas, at Revolution, all Royals in much danger. We make daring escape from St Petersburg fires on stolen horse. Plethora danger and we have much fear.
When horse shot dead beneath us, we trudge on feet to Odessa to flee for safety. Far journey and we become truly tiring.
We stow aboard ship to Amerika, but boat is to Америка юг (SOUTH Amerika) - landfall in Brazil.
We toil gnorth on fishing boat to arrive Cape Cod.
Very lucky we adopt new family. We enjoy power tools and many fans who venerating us.
We become very celebrity blogstar Gnomes of Cambridge...
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