Friday, May 2, 2008


There is some oddness feeling...
Greta! Do you see I here?


Where am I gone? I am in tangles!

Help someone?



Thierry Hubert said...

I hope that this can help!!!

The idea that any object could be so dense that light cannot escape from it was proposed by the English clergyman John Michell in 1783. A decade later, the great French mathematician Marquis Pierre Simon de Laplace used Newton's laws of gravitation to calculate just how dense a star would have to be for this to occur. If light is made of particles, Laplace reasoned, they could move at a velocity less than the escape velocity for the star. So, just like a rock thrown from the surface of the Earth, light could be insufficiently speedy to escape the star's gravitational field. Then in the early 20th century, the German physicist Karl Schwarzschild used Einstein's general theory of relativity to identify the point of no return beyond which nothing can ever escape the pull of gravity: the "event horizon". In Einstein's theory, space actually curves around to prevent light, or anything else, from escaping.

But in the 1970s, glimmerings began to emerge that suggested something might be able to escape from a black hole after all. These glimmerings arose from the study of quantum mechanics, the branch of physics that describes things at their smallest scales. In 1974 Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University in the UK, building on earlier work by Jacob Bekenstein at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, showed that when you include quantum mechanics in the description of the quantum fields surrounding a black hole, the hole is not entirely black. Instead, it appears to radiate particles into its surroundings. These particles constitute what became known as Hawking radiation and, crucially, they demonstrated that a black hole can evaporate.

Greta&Vladimir Kokoschka said...

Y-e-s-s, much hel-l-l-p-p-p! Perhaps radiated particles might c-c-c-oalesce to bring back Gnormalcy...oh, such p-p-pain!
Many Thank=y-y-yous!

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